Inspired by a real-life event and driven by our ongoing commitment to safety, Hardstaff Barriers has taken steps to better protect our team and community.

In line with our steadfast commitment to safety and well-being, Hardstaff Barriers has recently undertaken an important initiative – the installation of a publicly accessible auto external defibrillator (AED) at our premises. This addition marks another step in our ongoing journey to create a safer environment, not just for our staff and clients, but also for our broader community.

Our motivation for this initiative was ignited by a profoundly impactful incident that reminded us of the unpredictable nature of heart-related emergencies and the crucial importance of timely intervention.

Every minute counts:

Back in September 2021, while en route to install a vehicle restraint system at the Climate Change Conference in Glasgow, two of our dedicated staff members, Jim Cotter and Paul Ashmore, courageously intervened in a heart attack incident on the M6 in Cheshire.

After another driver had had a heart attack behind the wheel and crashed, Jim and Paul were first on the scene and swiftly offered assistance. Thanks to their bravery, the man was kept stable until the paramedics arrived. The two members of our team were proud to have helped but were left a little shaken at what could have been if they hadn’t taken a first aid course just a few weeks before.

For their exemplary bravery, Jim and Paul were commended at the Highways Heroes Awards.

Read more about that story here

We take action:

Having acquired several Defibrillator units back in 2020, to equip each Hardstaff vehicle to ensure we’re ready to offer vital first aid in the case of a heart attack. Then, following several suggestions from our team members, we’ve recently made a crucial addition to our site — an AED machine housed in a secure cabinet, accessible to both our team and the wider community in the event of an emergency. This AED is registered on ‘The Circuit’, a platform that allows medical professionals and local businesses to be aware of and access the AED when needed.

DEFIB installed just outside the Hardstaff front door

Now, anyone dialling 999 in the vicinity can be directed to our AED.

At Hardstaff Barriers, we believe in proactive safety measures. Our decision to invest in AEDs, train our staff in their usage, and install a defibrillator machine accessible to the public is a testament to our commitment to safeguarding lives.

We aim to embody our motto, “For the Love of Lives,” and make a tangible difference in our community. We’re proud to play our part in contributing to a safer and better-prepared environment, where every second in an emergency can make a world of difference.